Friends of E. Rivers Foundation, Inc.

2377 Woodward Way – Atlanta, Georgia 30305





One of E. Rivers’s greatest strengths is the loyal support of its alumni, former parents and friends within the community. If you are not a Friend yet, please consider becoming one today. Thanks for visiting!



Did You Know?


2001 - Our outstanding athletic field and playground was brought to reality, in large part, due to the widespread support of alumni and members of the surrounding community. The E. Rivers Foundation was established at that time and aligned with the Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta to fund the project.


2005 - A challenge gift from an anonymous donor was made and became the genesis for the formation of "Friends of E. Rivers."


2007 - "Friends of E. Rivers" concluded a successful campaign which met the donor's challenge and hosted the 90th Anniversary E. Rivers Celebration attended by E. Rivers parents, alumni and community members.


2008 - FRIENDS OF E. RIVERS FOUNDATION, INC. was established and became a fully independent 501(c)(3) public charity.


2008 - The FOUNDATION funded and presented the Reception Desk in the front lobby as its first gift to the school.  The Reception Desk serves to ensure the safety of the students, support the front office, and welcome visitors to the school.


2009 - The FOUNDATION made a donation to the Field House campaign and served as a necessary vehicle for receiving and dispensing of funds for the project which was completed in 2010.


Spring 2011 - The FOUNDATION launched a campaign to solicit general donations from its alumni, the surrounding community, and E. Rivers families who wish to participate.


2017 - E. Rivers celebrated its 100th Anniversary.


The FOUNDATION serves as an endowment and accepts general donations and contributions. As a public charity, it must adhere to specific guidelines in promoting and supporting expenditures that will benefit the school on a long term basis. The 501(c)(3) status of the FOUNDATION enables the collection of funds for major endeavors or capital improvements.

When the FOUNDATION is able to make a gift, proposals may come from, but are not limited to, the PTA co-presidents and principal. Funding of projects for consideration must meet FRIENDS OF E. RIVERS FOUNDATION, INC. criteria as defined by its guidelines for expenditures.